went back and did a rare redraw, fixed up some messed up stuff on the original :P
Joined on 12/15/05
if you sharpen up the new one and make the eyes dark like the original i would like it more. But both are nice man, i just didn't want to see you start making stuff with less contrast.
... yeah, I prefer the redraw.
The face is warmer and more luminous.
I'm not keen on the blue strokes surrounding the face, however. I can't identify if she's wearing a shawl or whatever, and it removes the clear silhouette of her face.
The right side is better, is more symetrical and also more glstening :)
the nose is crooked on the one on the left....
nobody's face is perfect
true true the new one still isn't
dude, the old one is better.
it's less blurry, and the face is cooler.
thanks but there was a lot of anatomy wrongness (maybe the off skew eyes and nose made it more creepy and interesting?) sorry